

Bringing Back the Fun

As we age, I think we all reflect on a life once was and reminisce about “how fun things use to be”. Was the advertising agency business more fun back in the day? In my opinion, it was. I was recently sharing with my team that today’s workplace and workday just seems to have become...

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The Advertising Agency Landscape

In case you haven’t noticed, the advertising agency landscape has changed, and the rules of engagement are not always fair. Over the past few years, we’ve written and talked about the advantages that small agencies like 78Madison have, but recently, another trend is worth looking at – the fact that clients themselves are now treating...

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Leverage Your Brand

When things are looking grim, there’s often a knee-jerk urge to move efforts to the lowest-hanging fruit. I’ve watched the same phenomena take place time after time for 40 years. When times are tough, there is always a race to performance advertising. It’s more measurable than brand marketing, drives immediate response and is easier to...

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